For five years, Arun Lodhiya from Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, tried multiple times to withdraw his NREGA wages from his bank account at the local Customer Service...
What’s next in ICT4D
Breakthrough and Gram Vaani worked together in Jharkhand to discuss the community’s feelings towards early marriage
Campaign against early marriage
Breakthrough and Gram Vaani worked together in Jharkhand to discuss the community’s feelings towards early marriage
IVR systems for visually impaired people
A very active discussion was moderated on Jharkhand Mobile Vaani, on the para-teachers’ strike. Children, parents, the teachers themselves, and the administrators gave their respective...
Gram Vaani’s Grand Challenge
A very active discussion was moderated on Jharkhand Mobile Vaani, on the para-teachers’ strike. Children, parents, the teachers themselves, and the administrators gave their respective...
Vodafone mBillionth Award 2012
We were excited to learn about our inclusion in Fast Company’s Top 10 list for most innovative Indian companies.
Fast Company calls Gram Vaani one of India’s 10 most innovative companies!
We were excited to learn about our inclusion in Fast Company’s Top 10 list for most innovative Indian companies.
Experiences with the Introduction of AI-based Tools for Moderation Automation of Voice-based Participatory Media Forums – A. Khullar, P. Panjal, R. Pandey, A. Burnwal, P. Raj, A.A. Jha, P. Hitesh, R.J. Reddy, Himanshu, and A. Seth. KDD Workshop on Data Science for Social Good, 2021.
Voice-based discussion forums where users can record audio messages which are then published for other users to listen and comment
Costs and Benefits of Conducting Voice-based Surveys Versus Keypress-based Surveys on Interactive Voice Response Systems – A. Khullar, P. Hitesh, S. Rahman, D. Kumar, R. Pandey, P. Kumar, R. Tripathi, Prince, A.A. Jha, Himanshu, and A. Seth. ACM COMPASS, 2021.
Recent improvements through machine learning in speech technologies and natural language processing has prompted active interest in the development of conversational agents for various tasks.