Gram Vaani enables
communities to use technologies and share information that can equip them to bring positive changes in their lives.

Technology can support human development only when it is appropriated by people to bring equity. At Gram Vaani, we use technology to create participatory media platforms that people find accessible and adaptable.
We develop communication platforms where people whose voices are often unheard can share their opinions, hear from each other, and build communities.We strive for sustained, positive behaviour change through programmes that are relevant to people’s contexts and needs. We believe that such inclusive, bottom-up media platforms, which are by and for the people, will build empathetic societies.
Our Areas of Work

Water Crisis: Drying Water-bodies and Contaminated Water Plague Low-Income Families
Each year discussions around water crisis have become a norm. News around long ques for collecting water in urban and semi-urban areas, drying of water-bodies like ponds, falling levels of ground water emerge and are discussed at length, only to dissolve once rains approach. Ponds, rivers, lakes would fill up with water and people would […]

Enhancing Livelihood of Rural Communities through Voice-Enabled Advisory Services
In a collaborative effort by Gram Vaani, IIT Delhi, and GIZ, with field support from 4S and SSEVS in Bihar, SUPPORT in Jharkhand, Mahatma Gandhi Seva Ashram in Madhya Pradesh, and Centre for Microfinance and PRADAN in Rajasthan, the initiative focuses on providing voice-enabled advisory services to strengthen the livelihood ecosystems of vulnerable households. This […]

Community Outreach & Empowerment
Leverage our platforms to empower and engage people in underserved areas through awareness and social accountability

Improving Awareness & Behaviour Change Communication
Learn how our deep community connect can help drive sustained, positive change on a range of issues.
How We Work
We form participatory networks by identifying partners and community volunteers who can facilitate awareness and behaviour change, highlight local issues and work on grievance redressal. With their help, we mobilise our target communities to listen to and contribute to our participatory media solutions.

5 Countries
10+ States
In India

Technology and (Dis)Empowerment: A Call to Technologists
Dear Friends of Gram Vaani, Hope you have been well. I had started working on a book during the pandemic, largely based on Gram Vaani’s experiences with the use of technology to secure rights and entitlements for the poor, and for them to discuss and deliberate policies and social issues with one another. I am […]

Voice Technology Innovations by Gram Vaani
Voice-based conversational interfaces hold significant potential to build interactive applications

When the animals went hungry too: Lockdown stories
When India was in lockdown in Mar-May 2020, livestock farmers struggled to feed their animals. A ground report with the famers’ experiences.

Ayushman Bharat –
PMJAY Start-up grand
challenge Winner 2020
Category: Building
beneficiary awareness

Equals in Tech award
2018 Finalists
For helping bridge the
digital gender divide

MissionBillion Challenge
Winner 2021
For making grievance
mechanisms accessible
& transparent

USAID's Women
Connect Challenge
Round One 2018
For bridging the digital
gender divide

Grand Challenges
award in 2017
For immunization
behavior change through

Innovation Forum
Challenge 2016
For our multi-layered
development model
through technology

Flame Rural Marketing
Award in 2014
For unique advertising
and marketing model

Grand Challenges
Rising Stars award in
For improving health
services in rural areas
using technology

mBillionth South Asia
Award in 2012 and
For innovation in
journalism in rural India

Knight News Challenge
in 2008
for low-cost technology
for community radio