Ensuring responsible outcomes from technology is a challenging goal, and several design methods have been proposed to embed ethical values into the technology itself.
Ensuring Responsible Outcomes from Technology – A. Seth. Invited talk and paper. COMSNETS 2019.
We attempt to make two arguments in this essay. First, through a case study of a mobile phone based voice-media service we have been running...
Research Papers
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Community Research
Use our technology to understand community needs, design appropriate content, and monitor ongoing programmes to improve them
A sustained and dignified means of livelihood depends on people’s ability to access contextual information to keep their work relevant, and on social capital to...
Education and Livelihoods
A large section of youth and children in ‘hard-to-reach’ areas lack access to education and remote learning opportunities. Similarly, families lack opportunities to update their...
Gender Equality
Access to media and information is highly unequal across India along the lines of gender, rural/urban locations, caste, class, disability, and other forms of marginalisation....
Workforce & Labour Rights
India’s workers are under-waged and under-protected, and even those who are registered often cannot enjoy their legal provisions due to poor enforcement. Our Workforce &...
Citizens in India’s hinterlands do not have access to communication channels through which they can be better informed, share opinions and solutions with one another,...