Family Health Communication channels, meant to help communities make informed choices, are often broken by the barriers of literacy, digital divide and other socio-cultural factors,...
एक छात्रा की पहल से मिला 40 गरीब परिवारों को मनरेगा में काम, पंचायत में लगने लगा नियमित रोज़गार दिवस
लेखक- दीपक कुमार- समस्तीपुर कोरोना महामारी और लॉक डाउन से आई आर्थिक मंदी ने लाखों कामगारों को घर वापस लौटने के लिए मजबूर किया, कुछ...
Infotainment empowers! Forced #earlymarriage stopped
Infotainment empowers! Listen to Pooja Kumari who shares that she stopped her friend's forced #earlymarriage by calling 1098.
Enabling women to inspire each other and express themselves
Women share how they are able to express themselves, get support for livelihood and social security issues through #MeriAwaazMeriPehchaan.
जानिए कैसे मोबाइलवाणी ला रहा है आम जनता की जिंदगी में बदलाव
मोबाइलवाणी के जरिए लोग ना केवल अपनी बात रिकॉर्ड कर रहे हैं बल्कि उन्हें उन लोगों तक पहुंचा रहे हैं जो सीधे सत्ता और प्रशासन...
Enable Vaani: a social network for people with disabilities
Know more about IVRS service specifically for persons with disabilities developed in collaboration with Enable India – Namma Vaani in Karnataka, and Hamaari Vaani in...
Answering questions on sexuality through Kahi Ankahi Baatein
Young people have many questions on their body, relationships, their identities and safer sex. CREA’s Kahi Ankahi Baatein is a Hindi/English, 24X7 infoline that answers...
India’s new sexual health info line
Gram Vaani is the technical partner of Kahi Ankahi Baatein, an infoline run by CREA with the support of other organisations, that provides to information...
Lockdown chronicle: the migrants’ story
Read what we heard and responded to on Shramik Vaani, our migrant workers’ platform, during India’s lockdown.