Our detailed analytics on users consumption patterns and opportunities offer businesses and social entrepreneurs insights into rural India.
Community Research
Use our technology to understand community needs, design appropriate content, and monitor ongoing programmes to improve them
Building healthy and equitable societies
Mobile phones have become instrumental in global efforts to drive awareness and encourage behaviour change to build equitable societies across the world.
A mobile radio network for the rural poor
Our investor, Digital News Ventures, have written a fantastic article in their newsletter about Mobile Vaani. Original source here.
Mobile Vaani Case study by UNESCO-Pearson Initiative for Literacy
Through the UNESCO-Pearson Initiative for Literacy: Improved Livelihoods in a Digital World, this case study is part of a series highlighting how inclusive digital solutions...
Mobile Vaani Case Study by GSMA
OnionDev provides a voice-based interactive media platform to underserved populations in developing regions, accessible for free through low-end feature phones, enabling even marginalised populations to...
लोग अपना पेट काटकर मिटा रहे हैं बच्चों की भूख, कहां गया 68% बच्चों के मिड-डे मील का पैसा?
कोविड संकट और लॉकडाउन ने हमारे समाज की उन बुनियादी आवाश्यकताओं की कमर तोड़ दी है, जिनके बारे में समाज का रईस तबका बात तक...
Mobile Vaani solution for reducing exclusion wins the Global Prize for Mission Billion Challenge
Gram Vaani’s Mobile Vaani solution for reducing exclusion in collaboration with Dvara Research has won the Global Prize as part of the World Bank Group’s Mission...
प्रधानमंत्री उज्जवला योजना: आज भी चूल्हे पर जल रहे हैं 43% प्रतिशत लाभार्थियों के हाथ
भारत में भी तक़रीबन 50 करोड़ लोग आज भी पारंपरिक चूल्हों पर खाना बनाते हैं. जो शहरी लोग गैस पर खाना पकाकर खाने के आदि...