The Seven Sisters Project, aimed at bridging the information gap in the north-eastern States, uses the mobile phone to record stories on issues that concern...
Indian Angel Network makes first ever social venture investment in Gram Vaani
In an important step towards expanding their role to cover impact investments, Indian Angel Network today announced the setting up of IAN Impact, bringing angel...
Say What ‘You’ Need to Say
Where would it have happened that an unknown person from Jharkhand could question the Union minister of Education? We made this possible through our technology.
Social networks for Agriculture Revolution
The majority of India’s rural population (some 770 million people or about 70 percent) constitute the vast majority of the poor in the country whose...
Facilitating the rural citizen’s access to formal credit
Credit is needed for business expansion, new income-generating activities, or even to deal with cash flows. Some 80% of the people we recently surveyed had...
Rural Health Care: Towards a Healthy Rural India
Rural Health care is one of biggest challenges facing the Health Ministry of India. With more than 70 percent population living in rural areas and...
Facilitating women’s economic empowerment through infotainment and experience sharing
Nearly 1 in 4 families we surveyed in Nalanda, Bihar families we surveyed in Nalanda, Bihar had at least one family member who seasonally migrated...
Helping female migrant workers navigate workplaces and rights – and connect to their hometowns
The government’s Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana programme is working to skill rural youth, including young women, and 15% of our users from our...
Gram Vaani at NSDC’s 5th Partner Meet
India’s growing demography: Dividend or Divide