During the months of July to October 2012, Jharkhand Mobile Vaani was used extensively by Para-teachers to self-organize and use the platform to convey their...
Supporting people’s right to food and livelihood during the pandemic
Gram Vaani supported the Rozi Roti Adhikar Abhiyan with a campaign to inform people of their rights to food and to livelihood, and to persuade...
In users’ voices: How Mobile Vaani has changed their lives
Hear from users how Mobile Vaani helps them be informed about their rights & entitlements, share grievances and connect with each other - and the...
एक छात्रा की पहल से मिला 40 गरीब परिवारों को मनरेगा में काम, पंचायत में लगने लगा नियमित रोज़गार दिवस
लेखक- दीपक कुमार- समस्तीपुर कोरोना महामारी और लॉक डाउन से आई आर्थिक मंदी ने लाखों कामगारों को घर वापस लौटने के लिए मजबूर किया, कुछ...