This story on The Better India describes the success of the TV series Main Kuch Bhi Kar Sakti Hoon run by PFI and mentions the...
129 children abused in Ranchi last year, but not a single case filed by Kelly Kislaya
A story on The Times of India in 2014 includes the work done by Gram Vaani in raising awareness about Child Sexual Abuse in collaboration with CID...
Toll-free number brings legal aid to Indian garment workers by Anuradha Nagaraj
Anuradha Nagaraj’s story covers our service TTCU Kural, which helps workers in Dindigul and other parts of Tamil Nadu access their labour rights and complain...
Comminit feature on Mobile Vaani
Mobile Vaani (MV) is a mobile-based voice media platform for underserved areas in India whereby users generate content in their own local dialect through Interactive...
Mobile Vaani in Panchayat Nama
Panchayat Nama is a fortnightly journal published by Prabhat Khabar, a leading Hindi language newspaper in Bihar and Jharkhand.
India’s new sexual health info line
Gram Vaani is the technical partner of Kahi Ankahi Baatein, an infoline run by CREA with the support of other organisations, that provides to information...
Can Technology Battle Patriarchy In India? Decoding 3 Fascinating Initiatives Who Are.
Devang Patel summarises ideas shared at a panel at the Dasra Philanthrophy Week, titled ‘She Will Connect: Closing The Gender Gap for Adolescent girls’ and writes about...
संचार माध्यम का उपयोग जिंदगी को बेहतर बनाने के लिए
जन जन की वाणी यानि ग्राम्वानी – जन जन से जुड़ने और विकास की खबर , कवितायेँ , कहानियां सुनने के लिए जुड़े मध्य प्रदेश...
Delivery of Social Protection Entitlements in India
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in India has had far-reaching socio-economic implications in the form of national lockdowns, consequent suspension of economic activity, and...