Community screenings in rural India through DVDs and projectors have had an impact in improving education [1], agricultural information dissemination [3] and community empowerment
The Limits of Design in Ensuring Responsible Outcomes from Technology – A. Seth. ICTD, 2020.
There is growing concern that even though rapid progress in the development of many technologies has produced positive outcomes, there have also been significant harmful...
Ensuring Responsible Outcomes from Technology – A. Seth. Invited talk and paper. COMSNETS 2019.
There is growing concern that although rapid technology development has produced amazing outcomes, there have also been significant harmful effects for many reasons.
Application of Mobile Phones and Social Media to Improve Grievance Redressal in Public Services – A. Seth, A. Katyal, R. Bhatia (IIT Delhi), D. Kapoor, Balachandran C, V. Venkat, A. Moitra, S. Chatterjee, M. Shivam, Z. Koradia (Gram Vaani), and P. Naidu (Action India). M4D Web Foundation workshop 2012
Most government departments exhibit poor grievance redressal performance. It is common to hear people complain about broken roads and poor drainage in their neighbourhoods, but...
Airavat: an automated system to increase transparency and accountability in social welfare schemes in India – V. Srinivasan, V. Vardhan, S. Kar, S. Asthana, R. Narayanan, P. Singh, D. Chakraborty, A. Singh, and A. Seth. ICTD, 2013 (poster)
Activist groups have taken up information dissemination and feedback collection as a means of rights advocacy in India.
Building Citizen Engagement into the Implementation of Welfare Schemes in Rural India – D. Chakraborty and A. Seth. ICTD, 2015
Citizen feedback on the implementation of social welfare schemes can help fine tune their design, understand problems, and assess the benefits and impact from these...
Design Lessons from Creating a Mobile-based Community Media Platform in Rural India – A. Moitra, V. Das, A. Kumar, Gram Vaani, and A. Seth. ICTD 2016
It is well known that technology based interventions targeted towards development need to look beyond technology to be successful
Findings from a Civil Society Mediated and Technology Assisted Grievance Redressal Model in Rural India – D. Chakraborty, S. Ahmad, and A. Seth. ICTD, 2017
Social welfare schemes and public infrastructure services often face implementation and last mile delivery challenges. Governments in India have set up phone helplines for beneficiaries...
An Analysis of Community Mobilization Strategies of a Voice-based Community Media Platform in Rural India – A. Moitra, A. Kumar, and A. Seth. ITID 2018
We deªne community mobilization as ofºine activities typically required in ICTD initiatives to train users and drive adoption for the sustained use of ICTs within...