
the Ground


Citizens from rural and semi urban areas of India use our platform for their information needs, contribute their thoughts and ideas on issues that matter to them, and record individual or community grievances.

Active, engaged citizens from our communities have their ears to the ground and encourage people to use the platform, as well as record contextual information in the form of news or interviews with people and administration. These volunteers also resolve grievances and work with community members to drive collective action.

Gram Vaani field members and community volunteers work hand-in-hand with officials in related panchayat, block, district and state administration for grievance redressal and to strengthen accountability and transparency in governance.

Community Change Agents
We enlist the support of active citizens of the communities in which we work as community volunteers. These change agents motivate the local community to register their grievances and raise their demand, ensure effective delivery of social welfare schemes, and encourage community members to share their opinions on issues that matter to them. Finally, they work with local and district administration to strengthen accountability for social welfare delivery and grievance redressal.

Awareness and Knowledge Building

Collective Action

Leveraging Participatory Media for Grievance Redressal
Gram Vaani’s participatory media platforms play a powerful role in putting pressure on authorities to act on grievances that people face when accessing their rights to schemes and welfare benefits offered by the state.
Para Teachers Mobilize State wide strike using Jharkhand Mobile Vaani
During the months of July to October 2012, Jharkhand Mobile Vaani was used extensively by Para-teachers to self-organize and use the platform to convey their demands to the government.

Supporting people’s right to food and livelihood during the pandemic
Gram Vaani supported the Rozi Roti Adhikar Abhiyan with a campaign to inform people of their rights to food and to livelihood, and to persuade local administrations to facilitate the issuance of ration cards and NREGA work.

In users’ voices: How Mobile Vaani has changed their lives
Hear from users how Mobile Vaani helps them be informed about their rights & entitlements, share grievances and connect with each other - and the state - to seek solutions