Health and Health Tech
Family & Health

Media & Governence
Millions of citizens in India’s rural hinterlands do not have access to communication channels through which they can be better informed, share opinions and solutions with one another, or raise their voices and seek assistance when they cannot access their rights. The governance program provides authoritative and actionable information supported by a strong cadre of community volunteers, through which people can be better informed, and enables people to raise their issues, and highlights these issues to the administration to spur them into action.

Workforce & Labour Rights
Agriculture Program
workers are as a whole under-waged and under-protected, but even the 20m or so toiling in the registered factory sector often cannot enjoy the legal provisions due to poor enforcement. Our programmes on Workforce and Labour Rights aim to give a voice to low-income industrial workers across India, offer them information and raise their awareness on their rights as workers, so that they collaborate to hold their employers and governments accountable for working conditions India’s