The Tika Vaani intervention, an initiative to improve basic health knowledge and empower beneficiaries to improve vaccination uptake and child health for underserved rural populations...
Experiences from a Mobile-based Behaviour Change Campaign on Maternal and Child Nutrition in Rural India – D. Chakraborty, A. Gupta, Gram Vaani Team, and A. Seth. ICTD 2019. Supplementary material
Social and behaviour change communication interventions are believed to gain from using mobile technology owing to the reach and rapid scaling promise of technology. I
Development of an mHealth Behavior Change Communication Strategy: A Case-study from Rural Uttar Pradesh in India – M. Cielo Pérez Osorio, R. Singh, D. Pant, V. Ridde, A. Seth, and M. Johri. ACM COMPASS, 2020. Related journal paper by co-authors.
Mobile health interventions are an innovative way to improve health outcomes and may play a powerful role in mitigating health disparities.
Reflections from Practical Experiences of Managing Participatory Media Platforms for Development – A. Seth, A. Gupta, A. Moitra, D. Kumar, D. Chakraborty, L. Enoch, O. Ruthven, P. Panjal, R.A. Siddiqi, R. Singh, S. Chatterjee, S. Saini, S. Ahmad, and V. Sai Pratap. ICTD, 2020.
The design of participatory media platforms can have many variations in terms of whether or not anonymous communication is allowed, what moderation policies are in...
Jury: An Automation Framework for Protocolised Primary Healthcare Delivery – D. J. Mathew, A. Samarth, Z. Johar, and A. Seth ACM DEV (4), 2013
It is often hard1 to get trained doctors as primary healthcare providers in rural India.
Initial Lessons from Building an IVR-based Automated Question-Answering System – P. Bhagat, S. Prajapati, and A. Seth. ICTD, 2020.
With improvements in speech recognition and natural language processing capabilities, voicebot systems show promise to run interactive information services for less-literate populations in developing regions.
A personalized credibility model for recommending messages in social participatory media environments – A. Seth, J, Zhang, and R. Cohen. World Wide Web, 2015
We propose a method to determine the credibility of messages that are posted in participatory media (such as blogs)
Fairness and Diversity in the Recommendation and Ranking of Participatory Media Content – Muskaan, M.P. Dhaliwal, and A. Seth. KDD workshop on Intelligent Information Feeds, 2019 Supplementary material
Online participatory media platforms that enable one-to-many communication among users
ACM COMPASS, 2019. Supplementary material
Price Forecasting & Anomaly Detection for Agricultural Commodities in India